VamosiArt Gallery

Peter Vamosi - Declaration of love (2024)

15.8x15.8 in ~ Painting, Acrylic

$971.4 Shipping to United States included
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This painting is a celebration of love between a woman and a man. Deep positive emotional bonds between them are expressed in several symbolic levels of the work. In addition to the recurring classic heart motif (in the woman's hands and green hearts in the background), there are also flaming flags on the sides of the painting, where the red in the center symbolizes the flame of love burning the hearts of a couple in love. The glowing yellow sky expresses emotional warmth, optimism, vigor. The blue water, on the other hand, testifies to the emotional connection of the couple, and the green meadow symbolizes the potential for growth and development of the relationship.
The attitude of the man holding the flower expresses his humility, respect and admiration towards the woman.
The painting is a suitable addition to the interior of everyone who appreciates love, has it or is looking for it. It is a suitable gift for the love of your heart, or as a gift for newlyweds.
It is ideal to combine it with the Happy family painting.


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