VamosiArt Gallery

Zsolt Malasits - Equibalance (2010)

39.4x43.3 in ~ Painting, Oil

$3,181.51 Shipping to United States included
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Story about the painting:
"The painting Equibalance expresses the need for overall balance in a person's human life. When we are balanced with ourselves, we have inner peace in our soul, then we can cope with our whole life, with everything it brings.
We need to be aware of ourselves and our position in the context of other people and the events of life, to accept life with humility, respect and gratitude. Being able to stand on our feet when life sometimes brings us to our knees.
Our internal Equibalance, harmony is a prerequisite for a balanced and peaceful life. We all dream of it and we should all strive for it.
The world - and not only ours - would be better and more beautiful..."


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