VamosiArt Gallery

Emil Mlynarcik - Fresh snow (2017)

19.7x15.8 in ~ Painting, Oil

$2,650.92 Shipping to United States included
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Winter in our mountains can be wonderful! But also uncomfortably cold...
When the frost outside penetrates to the bone and you have to wade through sometimes meter-long drifts of snow, it is not so tempting to go outside. Not even me, who has lived in the mountains all my life.
But when I come home from a few hours of wandering, all frozen and hot tea with rum and the warmth of the fireplace starting to warm my body pleasantly, I look at the photos I took and I am satisfied...
I have collected more beautiful motifs for my winter paintings to paint. And thus bring fragments of beautiful winter into your homes. So you can enjoy snow and frost in the warmth of your home.


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