VamosiArt Gallery

Zsolt Malasits - Hermit (2009)

23.6x19.7 in ~ Painting, Oil

$1,600.22 Shipping to United States included
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Story about the painting:
"We are all essentially alone. The hermit painting symbolically points to limitations that can only be changed by time, not our will. When we come to terms with reality, we understand that it is impossible to fight with what cannot be changed and we achieve humility and reconciliation. These are the qualities without which we cannot handle life's successes and failures.
Things will change when their time comes. Nothing can be forced, we can only wait and be guided by the voice within us.
When we are alone, we get a chance to know ourselves and to penetrate the hitherto hidden depths of the soul. We can develop our inner resources, rethink our life so that we can finally be ourselves."


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