VamosiArt Gallery

Janos Kujbus - In that place (2022)

49.2x76.8 in ~ Painting, Oil

$8,022.72 Shipping to United States included
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Story about painting:
"In many of us, there is a deep-rooted need to excel, to show others our talents, abilities, beauty, perfection, wisdom ... in order to gain admiration, recognition, respect ... but often also envy.
Often we exaggerate, just to match others - and even better - to be more perfect than they are. In women, this need probably most often dominates in the physical field. A woman wants to look attractive in order to attract a man's attention - more precisely, often more men than one man ...
The need to be perceived (especially by men, but also because of envy by women) as a beautiful woman with a perfectly shaped figure is the driving force that many women start so strongly for the process of improving their physical beauty that they do not even know when it will be time to slow down ...
To remain women ... So that there is no time when, with their exaggerated efforts, they evoke the opposite of what they originally wanted to achieve ...
Because gaining and maintaining a man's attention and admiration is much easier and more natural for a woman's female side than for over-developing the male side ...
As everywhere, this is true - there are often fewer."


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