VamosiArt Gallery

Zsolt Malasits - Love ship (2018)

27.6x19.7 in ~ Painting, Oil

$2,125.57 Shipping to United States included
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Story about the painting:
"I dedicated this painting, like many others, to the theme of Love - the feeling thanks to which we experience the most beautiful moments in life, the strongest emotional experiences.
Partner love can unite us into one whole, love gives us wings - it relieves us of the burden of difficulties and we float in a weightless universe.
Suddenly we see everything from a completely different perspective, in a different - more beautiful light. We want to be just the two of us in a pair, we long to be carried away by life, to sail the seas and oceans beyond the bounds of infinity on our sailboat...
There are unfathomable horizons ahead of us that we can explore together..."


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