VamosiArt Gallery

Janos Kujbus - The three princes (2015)

49.2x76.8 in ~ Painting, Oil

$6,328.38 Shipping to United States included
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Story about the painting:
"Women, especially young and attractive ones, are often courted and admired by several men who are out to get their attention and interest. At the same time, they exhibit their physical features, athletic figures, their energy, vitality, and activity for admiration. Similar to birds or animals in nature, a man is also looking for a nest of love.
A wise woman has her eyes open, she carefully perceives the competition of suitors and evaluates it internally. She faces a difficult choice - to choose the right one. Unfortunately, the others will come out dry...
That's life, we can't have everything, we have to choose wisely. And that's what this painting is about."


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