VamosiArt Gallery

Zsolt Malasits - Who I am? (2016)

27.6x19.7 in ~ Painting, Oil

$2,125.57 Shipping to United States included
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Story about the painting:
"Sometimes we ask ourselves questions: Who am I really? Am I a good or bad person? Am I handsome or not so handsome? Do others like me? Do they like me? ...and many similar questions.
The answer is often not clear, we don't even know each other perfectly. All our lives we are just getting to know each other.
And many times we ourselves make it difficult for other people to know us. We put on occasional masks in front of them, we pretend to be others - better, more beautiful, smarter, more perfect...
There is a danger that we will lose our own face while changing so many masks...."


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