VamosiArt Gallery


Orest Dubay


The artist Orest Dubay jun. born in Bratislava (Slovak republic), studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava from 1972 to 1978. His art activity is concentrated on graphic arts (silk-screen printing), painting and computer graphic art. After finishing his studies he oriented himself at free graphic. He is creating series of silk screen printings in which the shapes are simplified to contour lines and impact is given to transparent layers of colours. In end of the 80. he begins to work systematically on oil canvasses. The subjects which interested him in silk screen printing are being transferred in oil and developed not being limited by original technology. His work is based on intuitive drawing with shapes resembling reality. From plastic, complicated, abstract compositions comes to simplified shapes, created by one closed line bordering surfaces of clean colours. Since half of the 80. he is attracted also by computer graphics. He creates own program to form area in space. In the beginning he uses combination of silk screen painting with so called wire graphics, later, with the technical development he uses laser printers and creates virtual space subjects - digital sculptures and simple animations of 3d subjects. In 1998 broadens the computer creations with graphic variations on theme trees, in which he combines photographs of trees changed in colour and composition with space subjects, surface ornaments or fragments of his oil paintings. The author is not searching complicated philosophical explanations of his works, he bases everything on his intuitive imaginations and understanding of beauty in simplicity and purity.

Orest Dubay

The artist at work

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