VamosiArt Gallery


Peter Vamosi

Paintings full of harmony, love, tranquility, empathy and optimism.


In my work, I try to capture joy, optimism, beauty, harmony, but also a reflection of the meaning and philosophy of life. 

In my paintings of nature, I create fabulous landscapes where peace and happiness reign.

My abstract work is always characterized by the main idea expressed by the harmony of colors and geometric shapes.

I paint exclusively with high-quality art colors on high-quality canvas or 350 gram art paper. However, I also painted a number of paintings on silk. 

Hundreds of my paintings are in private collections of collectors, mainly in Europe and the USA.

Individual exhibitions:  

- Slovak republic: Bratislava, Komarno, Partizanske,   Dunajska Streda

- Czech Republic: Prague, Castle Golf Club Hluboka nad Vltavou

- Hungary: Budapest, Gyor


1979-1983 Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia
Peter Vamosi

The artist at work

63 artworks

Artistic domains : Painting (66)

5 Series

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