VamosiArt Gallery


Ruth Dubayová

Non repeatable landscapes and nature sceneries, beautiful flowers and still lifes, playful life and secrets of kids...


The slovak artist Ruth Dubayová was born in Bratislava on 20-th September 1954. From 1973 to 1979 she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. She lives in Bratislava. Later, since 80-ies she occupies herself with pastel drawing and landscape painting.She creates non repeatable landscape colour variations from surroundings of Banská Štiavnica. Noblesse of the landscape is for her not just the base for true picture, her view is reflection, depicted in form of sometimes gloomy, sometimes brightly sparkling pastel tones. Her gesture as painter is symbiosis of evaporating impression with more aggressive expression. In the 90. she oriented her attention to flowers. She creates series of oils mainly with sunflowers, so close to her heart. Her works are regularly exhibited on separate exhibitions in Slovak Republic and Czech Republic as well on group exhibitions at home and abroad.

Ruth Dubayová

The artist at work

46 artworks

Artistic domains : Painting (46)

2 Series

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