VamosiArt Gallery


Zsolt Malasits


I was born in 1961 in Hungary, I completed my academic art studies in Finland.I live and work in city Gyor in Hungary.

Each of my paintings is a manifestation of messages: Harmony, Love in a broader sense, Joy of life, Respect and humility for life, Humanity, Belonging, Moral, ethical and spiritual values.

The main themes of the works are harmony, interpersonal relationships, love, spirituality and religion, things of life, cities, dance and music, values such as freedom, joy, humility, respect, gratitude or faith, the universe.I incorporate my messages into the paintings and this fills me with beneficial feelings.

My paintings bring harmony to people not only in their homes or workplaces, but also in their lives. They help them stop and think about their life, understand and improve it, and live a happier and more valuable life.And that is the meaning of my work.

I had many solo exhibitions in Hungary, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia and France.


1989-1993 Magister of Art Imatra, Finland
Zsolt Malasits

The artist at work

109 artworks

Artistic domains : Painting (109)

6 Series

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