VamosiArt Gallery

Zsolt Malasits - Dance of angels 1. (2012)

39.4x39.4 in ~ Painting, Oil

$3,707.73 Shipping to United States included
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Story about painting:

"Many of us have been exposed to stories about angels since childhood, even as children we begged the angels in prayers to protect us from all evil and help us overcome the difficult periods of life.
Even as adults, somewhere in the depths of our souls, we believe that we have our guardian angel with us, who accompanies us through life and watches over our steps. We associate it with an inner voice, an intuition that tells us how to behave in a certain situation.
I create my paintings and sculptures of angels precisely to remind us that it is good to perceive our guardian angels because they are here, with us and protecting us.
Angels personify not only protection and help, but also connection with God, with a higher power, eternal joyful life. This is also expressed by this painting - on the one hand dignified and serious, but at the same time joyfully dancing angels in a harmonious dance."


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