VamosiArt Gallery

Zsolt Malasits - Endless dance (2010)

39.4x35.4 in ~ Painting, Oil

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Story about the painting:
"Four women float gracefully in dance moves. It is obvious that not only their hands, but also their emotions and souls are connected in a calm, dignified dance.
Together they create one harmonious whole mystically soaring through the ether.
At the same time, the painting hides several symbols.
Partially joined hands evoke the "lazy eight", a symbol of infinity. At the same time, however, one of the hands points up towards the universe and the other down towards the earth. Together, all the hands express the union of the human soul with heaven and earth in the endless cycles of life. The circle is never completely closed - open hands also symbolize the readiness to receive other souls. Eternity is infinite, has no beginning and no end. And she is open to all possibilities."


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