VamosiArt Gallery

Zsolt Malasits - Dream (2018)

23.6x23.6 in ~ Painting, Oil

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Story about the painting:
"The face of the woman in this painting symbolizes the immaterial essence, the soul of the story taking place in the given material landscape.
Every place, every piece of land, every house, tree, every activity has its own feeling, which floated around like an invisible haze.
The more sensitive among us feel it emotionally and can connect with this essence internally and become a part of it for a while. Our soul and the soul of the environment have become connected. Then we fully become a part of the environment in which we find ourselves and perceive it in completely different dimensions.

The Dream painting represents an absolutely peaceful and harmonious feeling of a landscape that has fallen asleep for the night.
Time seemed to stop and heaven and earth merged."


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